Monday, July 14, 2014

"Why?": A Post About Death and Hope

I promise at some point soon I will make a post regarding my DTS Outreach. But not today. Today I have something a little different to share.

I attended a beautiful funeral service today for a teacher of mine from high school, Matt Stefan, who passed away quite suddenly a week ago in his early 40's. My sophomore year of high school, he fueled in me a passion for apologetics, for a practical defense of my faith. My faith is as solid as it is today largely because of his influence, and I thank God for placing him in my life at the time that He did.

During the sermon, the pastor brought up the age old question: "Why? Why him? Why now? Why, why WHY???" We don't understand, because it doesn't make sense. During times of grief, people always feel deep down in their gut when something like this happens is an overwhelming sense of, "It wasn't supposed to be this way. This wasn't supposed to happen!" There's a feeling that the circumstances occurring are fundamentally wrong, in a way that runs deeper than just our own sadness.