Friday, August 29, 2014

A Conversation with God About the Weather

The following is a post from a previous blog of mine, "Cookies for Breakfast", that I no longer write for because reasons. The reasons are not that important, and to be honest, I'm still not a hundred percent sure why I quit it. I just know that at the time, it was the right thing to do.

And now I have this blog! "Chris The Missionary" is a much more structured and much more focused blog than Cookies could have ever hoped to be, but at the same time, some of my most favorite things I've ever written are on there. So I've decided that whenever I want to post something here, but don't feel like writing anything, I'll just steal one of my posts from there.

This was written after working on a stressfully humid day, and I was reminded of it today when I was at work today and it was stressfully humid. I went and reread it and had a good chuckle, and decided to re-post it here. You're welcome!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

"Faith Apart From Works Is Dead":

I am going to be very upfront about this: If your faith isn't prompting you to do something for the Kingdom of God, I'd encourage you to reexamine what you believe. If you believe that there is a God out there who sent His only Son to die the most horrific death imaginable so that you could be with Him in His perfect presence for all eternity, and that doesn't prompt you to do anything out of gratitude and humility for you really believe any of that?

I believe that is what James meant when he said, "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead." If you are not moved to do good works out of an overflow of love, then you may not have the same faith that the Bible talks about.

Let me tell you a story from my life about how some folks looking to do a little good - picking up trash - showed God's love more than anything I've yet seen in my life.

Why I'm Not Writing An Update About My Trip To Italy

I've put this off for long enough. For various reasons, I've failed to write an update about my mission trip to Italy on my blog about being a missionary. It's something I've been struggling with writing since the day I got back from Italy. 

I've started to write a post about outreach numerous times. I started an update hours after landing back in the U.S. as I was doing my laundry, but that draft got deleted pretty quickly. I went through many ideas and drafts before just quitting in frustration a few weeks ago. I haven't touched my blog since then, but after doing a lot of processing the past few days, I feel this has to be said. So, without further ado...

Why I'm Not Writing An Update About My Trip To Italy

This trip, and my DTS as a whole, was such an absolutely massive part of my life so far, that there is no way to do the whole experience justice in a single blog post. Quite frankly, I feel that it is not within my writing abilities to do justice to just how impactful this trip was to me on an emotional and spiritual level.

Yes, Italy is amazing. I could go on and on about the beauty of the land and it's culture. I could talk about all the awesome things we saw God do (and we did see Him do amazing things). Most of my fellow missionaries would say I should focus on those things here, because that's what people want to hear about. But that would be disastrously one sided. Let me see if I can explain to you why I can't write a glowing piece all about how awesome my time was.