Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Next Big Thing (Plus DTS Outreach Video!)

It's been a few months since I last posted on here. Oops. How time does fly! I apologize for that. I really did intend to update more frequently, but life keeps happening and I'm so easily distracted...

Example A: I intended to write this big long post about how I was accepted into the Bible School for the Nations (BSN) with YWAM in Madison, Wisconsin, but I can't really think of what to say other than that. If you want to know how I decided to do this school, you can ask me, because there's a lot of personal experiences that led up to it, and I can't really put it all in writing very well. All I'm going to say is I very strongly felt the call of God to go here, and now I am going here, and it's all very exciting!

So I'm just going to explain what the BSN is and then I'm going to put a link to a video I made of my DTS Outreach in Italy. I could have sworn I posted this video on here ages ago, but it doesn't look like I did. So, two birds, one stone, all that. Okay, here goes...