Friday, April 3, 2015

And We're Off!

In less then an hour Mark and I will be one our way to Madison, er, Columbus (the location was changed because the Madison facilities didn't have enough room for all the students!) Wisconsin.

Instead of written updates, Mark and I are planning on doing video updates. I wish I could say they'll be weekly, but I don't trust either of us to be that on point with our scheduling, especially at the beginning. I'll be posting the videos on my YouTube channel and linking them here, and then putting this blog link on Facebook.

PLEASE be praying for us on this trip, but especially this weekend as we are adjusting to a whole new group of people and as we are away from our family's for Holy Week (again). I don't know where Mark was last Easter, but he was either in England or Amsterdam, and I was in Rome.

Anyway, I have to go over my packing list one last time and then my dad and I are off to pick up Mark and his father for a double father/son road trip!

Thanks so much to everyone who has supported us thus far with finances and prayer. Please remember to share the link to our GoFundMe, which is on the left side of this page.

Thanks again.

And again.

I'm gonna go now...

God's Blessings,

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